The Bravery of

Being Yourself

with Nikki + Andrea

Me too! 8x$47
I can't wait! $333!

If you're wondering what your next move should be + you're worried about wasting time in the wrong direction - you're in the right place.  This is a judgement free container designed to help you figure out what's next for you. 

12 weeks of live group coaching

We lived this experience over the last few years ourselves, and are trained + experienced coaches. Who better to guide you through your path back home? During our biweekly module calls you’ll get a chance for some face time with us to hold space for you as you move through this process. You can ask us questions, vent, or even receive some live subconscious techniques. 

Access to the BBY community

The module calls are available on Zoom to join live and are streamed into our private Facebook Group. This work is not easy, we will be there for you through the calls as well as check-in threads in the Facebook community. Community care is important to us. We look forward to cultivating an open, honest, trauma-sensitive, and uplifting environment of likeminded members. Our group clients always form bonds with each other and we look forward to it happening again! 

Guided coursework, EFT + Hypnosis

The modules are designed for you to take action. There's no fluff or high-level concepts. Every concept is broken down into understandable terms, discussed in the context of your life with real examples, and supported by action items. Each module contains an EFT video and a hypnotherapy track to help shift your thought patterns. If self-reflection is your action item, we will provide journal prompts. For the astrology week, we're building out a basics of astrology & human design workbook for you!

The Bravery of Being Yourself is a 12 week container designed to help you connect to your true path + recommit to the life you *really* want to live.

For the past few years, we've both made big moves (that really didn't make sense to anyone else) because deep down, we felt stuck in a pattern.  We felt this invitation to look at our lives, to examine our motivations, and to check in on our values - but we sort of just felt like things were "good enough" and like it would be too much work to course-correct at this point.

So we did what I think anyone would do - we overthought it, spiralled about it, and half-committed about a million times.

Because here's the thing - growth is intoxicating.  Capitalism and hustle teaches us that if we're not constantly growing, upleveling, and making more money, we're dying.  So for a long time, we chose growth in the wrong direction.

But in reality, this can only ever be a short term solution.  Powering through this discomfort only got us so far - it didn't take long before we were hitting a wall. 

For the person looking for... 
  • Freedom of discovering and doing what they *truly* want to do 
  • Satisfaction, peace + fulfilment from doing what you love
  • The confidence + self trust to take on any issues or challenges that might come up
  • Deep subconscious healing + strong self-esteem
  • A deeply felt experience of self-love and peace in this chaotic world
  • Support and care not just for you, but so that it can ripple outward
That's me! I want to pay in full!
That's me! I want to pay monthly!

It's me - I'm Andrea!

Hi! I’m Andrea, an expansion coach, EFT and practical manifestation queen and resonant content creator. Ive been in business for almost 10 years, and my career calling is supporting people in expanding into their dream lives + businesses.


But even though I am a growth + business queen, last year I made the choice not to scale my business (even though I probably could have).  I took on just enough clients and project to meet my financial needs, showed up on social media as I felt, but really, I slowed down + gave myself space to figure out what was next. I got to know myself better, I worked with my inner child, I figured out what my real career + goals were, and I gave myself the space to do the subconscious work that would actually make manifesting this possible.

Hey - I'm Nikki!

I'm a clinical hypnotherapist + life coach and over the past two years, I burned my life down (in a good way).  Something felt off, something felt not right, something felt inauthentic, and even though my business and life felt pretty good (I'd say 70 or 80% aligned?) I knew that I had the potential for a lot more ease.  

So I spent most of 2022 figuring that out.  I did a ton of shadow work, a ton of work with my inner child, and as I did this work, I made moves.  I moved to Boston, I closed the chapter on a 5 year relationship, and I slowly and carefully rebuilt my life.  And now that I know I'm on the right track - I don't just feel much more cosmically supported, I feel a real sense of subconscious trust in myself and my path that I didn't have access to before.

I'm all in! Pay in full!
I'M READY! 8x$47!


You get instant access to this bad boy right when you sign up for the course.  This includes a video on what to expect from the course, how to use the course, and a cute little intro to Andrea + Nikki.
EFT - I can do hard things
Hypnosis - Getting to know yourself + building confidence to change your life
Module 1: Understanding your Human Design + Astrology

What's the point?
The point of this module is to help you get the jist of your birth chart, to help you feel more confident and comfortable in navigating your birth chart, and to help you investigate certain placements and points of interest that gave Andrea + Nikki clarity as they charted their course.
EFT - I'm shaping my timeline
Hypnosis - Believing your subconscious timeline
Module 2: Sitting with your Shadow
What's the point?  The point here is to finally accept your full self, unlearning society's shit, and to stop cringing at yourself and fully accept yourself instead. 
EFT - I like who I really am
Hypnosis - Embracing my shadows
Module 3: Desire Mapping
What's the point?  Now that we've done some foundational work, we're going to start really diving into exactly what it is you want.  This clarity is going to be our starting point in creating it.
EFT - I can have whatever I want
Hypnosis - Unlocking your deep desires
Module 4: Self Regulation
What's the point?  Going after what you want in life + doing shadow work will likely disregulate your nervous system.  You see - your brain isn't actually here to help you get what you want:  it's here to help you stay alive.  So even if your life kind of sucks, your brain won't really want to change it because it's scared of the unknown.  So we thought we'd include a module on how to regulate and soothe yourself, just in time for all of the amazing changes you'll be making.
EFT - My emotions empower me, they don't hold me back
Hypnosis - I have tools + it's safe for me to leave fight or flight
Module 5:  Dream Life + Day Building
What's the point?  At this point in the program, you're likely seeing tons of shifts that are drastically changing the way you show up in your daily life, but this week is an intentional time to make real, concrete changes that will really shape your current reality into your dream life, full of different facets and aspects that really allow you to feel enrichedand abundant.
Hypnosis - Discovering your true dream life
EFT - Every moment, things can get even better
Module 6:  Your Custom Manifestation Method
What's the point?  This is it, folks.  The hot tamale.  It's time to cut through the manifestation BS and help you figure out how YOU manifest best.  Not just from human design, not just from a manifestation book, etc.  It's taking all of this self knowledge, all of this internal and external progress, and helping you discover the practices and approaches that leave you most magnetic to your desires.
EFT - I'm a magnet for money + opportunity
Hypnosis - Placing goals + dreams on your subconscious timeline
I'm in! $333!
I'm in! 8x$47!

What are people saying? 

"Transformative. That’s the best word to describe how my four months of 1:1 coaching with Nikki were. I went into it expecting to jumpstart my business, but I got so much more out of the time. Nikki’s inclusive, supportive, and down-to-earth approach gave me a safe space to figure out how I was holding myself back — both in my business and life — and start taking steps to resolve some of those issues. Nikki used tools like hypnotherapy, human design, astrology, and of course, coaching to help me dig deeper and gain powerful insights/realizations I couldn’t get to on my own."

So, youā€™re feeling like you need it NOW, right? I feel that!Ā Get your spot here:

YES! I'm all in!
YES! I'm in! Monthly Payments!