$333.00 USD

BBY Pay in Full

Ready to meet yourself? We're so excited to lead you through this journey of self-discovery. We're so excited to meet the real you, too! 

Once you join, you'll get immediate access to the course modules on Kajabi + Facebook group where you will find:

  • Check-in threads
  • Past modules & support calls in modules corresponding with the weeks
  • Resources such as worksheets, hypnosis tracks & EFT videos in corresponding modules

You can go right in and introduce yourself. We're so excited to get started! 

Want a preview of that feel-good future?

BBY has opened my eyes to a huge part of me I never knew was there. Learning about my birth chart placements & human design has helped me in the process of identifying my values, what motivates me, and what makes me, me. A lot of good stuff has come up since starting BBY! I started in a period of rest, burnt out from years of frying my nervous system, to feeling genuinely excited for the next chapter of my life because I know I’m better equipped to flow through it with ease. Having Nikki & Andrea there to guide and support me through this journey has definitely been the best part. It’s like having 2 awesome, beautiful big sisters that just get you. It’s sooo good BBY in 2 words: MAXIMUM SLAY 💅✨

Nina Marchadesch